Monday, February 18, 2013

Blogs Parents of Teenage Girls Won’t Want to Miss

Any  parent with a teenage girl knows that dealing with a girl who is in the throes of adolescence can be an overwhelming task.  By definition, the teenage years will be somewhat chaotic, largely because of the raging hormones your teen is tackling and the urge they have to constantly test their boundaries. It’s important to remember that these kinds of things, while frustrating at times, are supposed to happen. Luckily, vast improvements in technology have allowed the world to become a much smaller place, thus enabling people from all walks of life to connect with one another and share their wisdom and experiences. From social networking to web cams to feeling the pressure to succeed, as well as many other things, teenage girls are understandably overwhelmed.  These 30 blog entries will shed some light on various things that all parents should be aware of so that you can be watchful of signs that your daughter may be involved in dangerous behavior.

Online Behavior
Social networks are a double-edged sword, and can be a useful tool to stay in touch with family and friends all over the world or an outlet that can ruin a person’s life.  There have been multiple heartbreaking stories of embarrassing photos being posted online for the entire world to see and a teenager taking her own life because she didn’t feel she could cope with the humiliation.  These five blog posts will give parents tips on how to stay informed with what’s happening with their girls online.
Drugs and Alcohol
Many teens find themselves at a point where they are interested in experimenting with drugs and alcohol to see what they’re all about. It’s important to explain why drugs and alcohol are particularly dangerous for teenagers to help discourage experimentation.  Remember, kids look to you as their role model.  Make sure that you are setting the example that you want your child to follow.  These five blog articles will share information on drugs and alcohol in teens.
Raging hormones can sometimes encourage teens to delve into dangerous situations.  Teenage girls need to know your opinion about premarital sex and other sexual behaviors. She may abstain from premarital intercourse, but still experiment sexually in other ways.  To find out what you need to watch for, read these five blog entries.
Anorexia/ Bulimia
Unfortunately, teenage girls are bombarded with images of beautiful women all day long, which can skew their perception of what’s normal and what isn’t.  These images can also make girls more self-conscious than normal, which can have a negative impact on their lives.  As teenagers mature, their bodies are constantly changing. When faced with the images that society feels are beautiful, they may find themselves unhappy with their own bodies.  Watch for signs of an eating disorder in your teenage girl by reading these five blog posts.
No one wants to believe that their child would cut themselves on purpose, but cutting is becoming more and more common among teenagers.  This self-destructive behavior can be very dangerous, and can even lead to suicide if not stopped.  Read these five blog articles to find out what can cause cutting and other details.
Stand Out Teen Girls
Before you think that there’s something wrong with all teenage girls, these five blogs will show you articles about some very talented teenagers who have accomplished big things.  Some have made a real difference in the lives of others.
Source: (

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